Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Free Books Online

Hi Fox Run Readers!
Here's a website with almost 200 children's picture books that you can read online for FREE!

Even better,  when you sign up and read books on this website, they make a donation to a charity that helps MORE kids read!

We Give Books - FREE WEBSITE where students read books online

They've got lots of great books to choose from! 
Bookmark this website, and read a free ebook together when you're stuck in the waiting room, or need a new bedtime story.
Happy reading!

Gotta Keep Reading!

Have you seen this video from Ocoee Middle School in Florida? The students did a great job of showing their enthusiasm for books and reading!

It's fun to watch!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Spring Cleaning?

Hi Fox Run Families!
Are any of you cleaning out your students' bookshelves at home?
Did you know that donations of children's paperback books are welcome at Fox Run? YES!
We have an "honor books" section of our library especially for donated paperbacks. These books are taken and returned by students on the honor system, not checked out on the computer.
If you have paperbacks at home that your students have outgrown, we'd love to share them with other students at our Fox Run Library!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Book List for Geeks

Wondering what to read? Here is a great book list from Geek Dad at Wired magazine.  (We're talking about geeks like Bill Gates and Michael Dell here.) A team of technology writers got together and decided which books they would recommend to parents raising Generation 2.0.

67 Books Every Geek Should Read to Their Kid Before Age 10

Leading geeks agree that to develop your brain AND have a great time with your family, parents and kids should read together!

Most of the great titles on this list are available at our Fox Run Library. You'll see picture books and chapter books, too. Look over the list with your family, and choose one that you can read together. Come on in to the Fox Run Library, check it out, and take it home to share.

I can't guarantee that it will make you a geek, but I can absolutely guarantee that reading with your family will make you smarter!

(I really like the books they put on the list. I think this may be my "what to read next" list!)

Happy reading!
Ms. Young