Monday, November 12, 2012

Scholastic Book Clubs

Hi Fox Run readers!

For those of you who do NOT get Scholastic book club flyers from your child's homeroom teacher, I've set up a way for you to order online.

Why? Because Scholastic has some great bargains on some books your student will love to read. Many books are just $1, and lots of books are less than $5. They make super stocking stuffers or birthday gifts! Shipping to our school is FREE!

Even better...everything you purchase helps our library to buy more books for our students.

If you decide to buy a book as a gift, and you do NOT want me to deliver it to your student and spoil a surprise, just send me an email at cyoung12 at neisd dot net, and let me know. I'll hold the order for you in the library until you can come in and pick it up.

These books are such great deals...I don't want anyone to miss out! If your homeroom teacher is already sending home flyers, please order from him or her to help build up the classroom library.

If not, click on the book clubs graphic above, or go to and enter our code, L8WVD.

Happy reading!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Need Math or Science help?

Hi Fox Run friends!

Do you need help explaining something in math or science to your student? I just found a FREE site with videos to explain things like fractions and photosynthesis.

StudyJams was created by Scholastic. The site has songs and videos to explain math and science in ways that are kid-friendly and easy to understand. You don't need a username or password.

This is a great place for homework help, or reviewing what your student learned in school.

Check it out!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Storybook Pumpkin Patch

Many thanks to those of you who helped your student create a storybook pumpkin in October. We had a beautiful storybook pumpkin patch in our library!

We saw so much creativity from your families! Our central office sent someone over to our library to make a video about our awesome projects. You can watch the video by clicking here.

Happy fall, y'all!